15 October 2009

A few thoughts, on the Spiritual side

I had a rare chance to spend extra time in Bible study and prayer tonight. I often feel that I never have enough time, but tonight was wonderful and abundant.

I had had a terrible day, nothing in particular made it bad, just a series of little things that had me feeling miserable and sorry for myself by the time I got home. After dinner, and a little ice cream therapy with my housemates, I retired to my room, but I didn't feel like studying. I began by writing a letter, and turned on a little music. A couple of the lyrics from particular songs struck me, and I picked up my Bible to begin my reading.
When I was finished I flipped into the Psalms and just randomly stopped. I firmly believe there is no such thing as coincidences, and obviously I needed to see the verses that I saw tonight. In particular there are a few that have struck me.

"Cease from anger
  and forsake wrath:
   Do not fret - it only causes harm"
-Psalms 37:8

"A little that a righteous man has
  Is better than the riches of many wicked"
-Psalms 37:16

"But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;
  He is their strength in the time of trouble.
  And the Lord shall help them and deliver them;
  He shall deliver them from the wicked,
  And save them,
  Because they trust in Him."
-Psalms 37:39-40

After, I had turned on a particular set of songs I find help me to think through things, and this lyric in particular touched me;

"O Gaze of a Love
 So melt my pride
  That I may in Your house
 but kneel
  and in my Brokenness to cry:
Spring Worship unto Thee"
-Hymn, Jars of Clay

I just wanted to share the peace that had entered my heart tonight because of these words from God, and even these words of worship from men. Sometimes I struggle with my faith, because I feel I am alone in what I am pursuing, but I need to be reminded that as long as I have God, I am never alone.

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