30 September 2009

Settling in...

Oi to the vey. It’s been far too long since I posted. But life got busy, as it often does with me. I decided being so ill I couldn’t climb out of bed my first week in Oxford was a grand plan. And then proceeding week and a half has been spent in a dizzy spin of trying to settle in, make friends, and yada, yada, yada. 

However, I thought we would take a tour of the house. It’s pretty sweet. I love our house. It has five bedrooms (all occupied, sorry family, you may NOT come move in), a common room, and a kitchen. Our house definitely has some older appliances, like our ancient stove that doesn’t always like to work, and is missing some things other houses in the program have, like a dryer, or a dishwasher (oh wait.. we have five...) but it has a lot of charm. 

Anyways here are the photos of my room and then the house:

This is my desk, looking in from the door.

The bed.

Yes, that's a fireplace, complet with mantel.

View from the fireplace.

And now the house tour:

This is the front of our house. I'm the windows on top.

Front door. Even the flagstones on the front stoop are cute.

View from the front door.

In the kitchen. Lora. dong what we do a lot, sit at the kitchen table with our computers and pretending to be social. Yes, that's my Macintosh on the other side.

The Common Room. I don't spend a lot of time in here, but I do peruse that bookshelf a lot.

Other side of the room. Those curtains are actually really pretty.

The hallway to my bedroom. Can you guess which door is mine?

The bathroom. Tiny.

The stairs to upstairs.

That's pretty much the house. Isn't is lovely? I like it. Which is handy, considering I live here. ;-P


  1. I love the house ... It is adorable!!!


  2. the house is very quaint :)
    hope you doing okay even though i seem to talk to you through twitter haha
