14 February 2010


It's Valentine's day. Normally a day to strike fear into the hearts of men, excitement into women, and dread into the heart of every single person who did not get a date.
Well, generally.
I've always boycotted the holiday. I find it sickening, and unnecessary for the most part. I've also never had a significant other over the holiday. Maybe that helps.
But what I am reminded of this year, as I am overseas, exploring new opportunities, forging a closer relationship with God, missing family and friends, and developing new relationships with other family and friends, is that Valentine's Day might be a nice opportunity to sit back and reflect on the love(s) in life.

In my Focus group at St. Ebbe's, we're studying the book of Philippians. It's been very helpful to me to have those deep discussions about love and rejoicing, and why we love, and why we rejoice.

"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"
Philippians 1:6

These verses are highly comforting, and I think these things often of all of family and friends.

I am blessed because I have parents who love and support me, even when I drive them crazy. Who support endless career changes, emotional breakdowns, medical testing, and ridiculous cases of nerves, and everything in between with love, a love that overwhelms me at times. My parents pray often, together, apart, with family, it does not matter, they both are people of prayer, and when I find myself fretting or upset about something, because of their example, I often remember to pray. Mostly because of how many times they have prayed for me.
"As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice."
Psalms 55:16-17

I am blessed with a large family, who care about each other. Three incredible, godly brothers, two wonderful sisters-in-law who are sweet and loving, and a sister who is my absolute best friend. We share a bond of family, but also a bond of love. Out of our sibling set I am clearly the crazy one, yet they all tolerate my nonsensical behavior very well. Not just very well, but with graciousness, and encouragement. They lift me up, and when I am upset or down about something, I can generally call one or all of them to find that little pick-me-up that I'm craving.

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you"
Philippians 1:3

I am blessed with friends who not only love me, but love one another, making for fun groupings where we can get together and enjoy each others company. I have been through enough in the last year and a half with my health, my faith, my education, everything in my life has been touched in one manner or another, and these friends are the people who did not abandon me, but stood firmly by my side, holding my hand at times, pulling me at others, pushing me forwards at still other times. 
"that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."
Romans 1:12

These blessings are almost too much at times when I think about it, but it is what keeps me going, it is what helps me remember the purpose of life, and I am extremely grateful.

Valentine's doesn't have to be all about gushy couples. 
It's true.