16 January 2010

A Few Musings, Traveling and Otherwise

I had originally written this as a bit of a rant and e-mailed it to a friend, who pointed out it made a fairly funny post. 

1. Gluten-free meals on airplanes. Just because I am gluten-free does not mean I eat less food. Frankly, I could eat two of those dumb little airplane meals, so maybe you shouldn't give us half the food that you give the normal people. That's silly, not feeding us as much food.

2. I'm spoiled by airplanes with personalized TV's. I like those much better than the little monitors every four rows on the ceiling of the plane. Mostly because the things they choose to show up there, maybe not what I would choose to watch.

3. I'm apparently a "pro" at airplane travel now. Uh-oh.

4. Middle-aged women smile at me randomly on buses. Why? Sometimes it's a little creepy.

5. Dr. Francis Warner and Penelope Warner = Coolest People In England

6. It gets dark earlier here. I had almost forgotten that in my two weeks back. It's very not cool that the sun set was at 4:45 today. ------ Although, on a happier note, sunrise was noticeably earlier this morning than when I had written this.

7. English people think three inches is a lot of snow. It's not. They also think 30 degrees Fahrenheit is cold. It's not. Try 16 inches of snow and -20 degrees Fahrenheit wind chills. Not cool. 

8. I'm wasting away from a lack of sun. My family laughed at me while I was home because I would stand next to windows and just soak up the sunrays. I'm glad I did, maybe it will last me until the sun finally decides it doesn't hate England anymore. 

9. I'm way busier this term, even though I'm not traveling. And I thought I would be bored. Guess not. 

10. I already miss my sister. She's flying home to KC right now... sad days. 

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too! I can't believe I am back in the US now!
